Trabalho com projetos e obras onde busco a redução do impacto ambiental, prezando pela responsabilidade social. Durante o desenvolvimento de meus projetos, busco a constante participação dos agentes que irão ocupar os espaços e a participação de diferentes profissionais para compor equipes de trabalho.
I work with projects where I seek to reduce environmental impact, valuing social responsibility. During the development of my projects, I seek the constant participation of the agents who will occupy the spaces and the participation of different professionals to form work teams.
I work with projects where I seek to reduce environmental impact, valuing social responsibility. During the development of my projects, I seek the constant participation of the agents who will occupy the spaces and the participation of different professionals to form work teams.
Nos últimos anos tive a oportunidade de realizar projetos e obras com equipes que utilizam a terra como material de construção, dentre outros materiais naturais e de reuso, buscando utilizar os materiais industrializados aonde são fundamentais, trabalhando o melhor de seu potencial. Além disso, busco indicar o uso de diferentes tecnologias que reduzem o impacto ambiental durante a vida útil da construção, como cisternas, saneamento ecológico, etc. In recent years I have had the opportunity to carry out projects and works with teams that use earth as a construction material, among other natural materials and from reuse, seeking to use industrialized materials where they are essential, working to the best of their potential. Furthermore, I seek to indicate the use of different technologies that reduce the environmental impact during the useful life of the construction, such as cisterns, ecological sanitation, etc.
Sou de Salvador e me formei em Arquitetura na Universidade Federal da Bahia, onde tive como grandes orientadores nos caminhos da arquitetura na prática, no canteiro de obras, a professora Akemi Tahara e o professor Daniel Marostegan. Trabalhei em 2019, sob coordenação destes, compondo equipe no projeto de Extensão Canteiro Modelo de Conservação - Ações de Salvaguarda e Conservação do Patrimônio Cultural de Igatu - BA na Chapada Diamantina. Um projeto do IPHAN realizado em parceria com a Faculdade de Arquitetura da UFBA.
I'm from Salvador and I'm graduated in Architecture at the Federal University of Bahia, where I had professor Akemi Tahara and professor Daniel Marostegan as great advisors in the paths of architecture in practice, on the construction site. I worked in 2019, under their coordination, on the Conservation Model Canteiro Extension project - Safeguarding and Conservation Actions for the Cultural Heritage of Igatu - BA in Chapada Diamantina. An IPHAN project carried out in partnership with the UFBA Faculty of Architecture.
I'm from Salvador and I'm graduated in Architecture at the Federal University of Bahia, where I had professor Akemi Tahara and professor Daniel Marostegan as great advisors in the paths of architecture in practice, on the construction site. I worked in 2019, under their coordination, on the Conservation Model Canteiro Extension project - Safeguarding and Conservation Actions for the Cultural Heritage of Igatu - BA in Chapada Diamantina. An IPHAN project carried out in partnership with the UFBA Faculty of Architecture.
Em 2020, junto com Kin Guerra, criamos o, um projeto independente, cujo objetivo é possibilitar o mapeamento colaborativo de construções com materiais naturais. O mapa serviu de ferramenta de pesquisa para diferentes produções acadêmicas, como ferramenta de atividades curriculares de graduação, além de proporcionar uma conexão entre profissionais e interessados no tema, em diferentes partes do Brasil e do mundo.
In 2020, together with Kin Guerra, we created, an independent project, whose objective is to enable the collaborative mapping of buildings with natural materials. The map served as a research tool for different academic productions, as a tool for undergraduate curricular activities, in addition to providing a connection between professionals and those interested in the topic, in different parts of Brazil and the world.
In 2020, together with Kin Guerra, we created, an independent project, whose objective is to enable the collaborative mapping of buildings with natural materials. The map served as a research tool for different academic productions, as a tool for undergraduate curricular activities, in addition to providing a connection between professionals and those interested in the topic, in different parts of Brazil and the world.
Em 2022 entrei para o Conselho Consultivo da Rede TerraBrasil, que é uma organização nacional, composta por profissionais e estudantes, congregando instituições, entidades de classe e toda a sociedade envolvidas no tema arquitetura e construção com terra (para saber mais sobre a Rede e os profissionais que a compõem, clique aqui). Em 2024 participei, junto com outros profissionais, da coordenação do Congresso TerraBrasil 2024, evento bianual itinerante que acontece desde 2006, tendo a FAUFBA como lugar nesta edição.
In 2022 I joined the Advisory Council of TerraBrasil Network, which is a national organization, made up of professionals and students, bringing together institutions, professional entities and the entire society involved in the topic of architecture and construction with earth. In 2024 I participated in the coordination of the TerraBrasil 2024 Congress, a biannual itinerant event that has been taking place since 2006, which took place at FAUFBA.
In 2022 I joined the Advisory Council of TerraBrasil Network, which is a national organization, made up of professionals and students, bringing together institutions, professional entities and the entire society involved in the topic of architecture and construction with earth. In 2024 I participated in the coordination of the TerraBrasil 2024 Congress, a biannual itinerant event that has been taking place since 2006, which took place at FAUFBA.